The Labuan-based digital exchange aims to kickstart tokenization by listing its own stock as tokens.
Banks servicing crypto find it complicated, but plow ahead in the belief that tokenization will go big.
Nadine Chakar, head of State Street’s blockchain division, says CBDCs will make tokenization a reality.
Its business model is to rely on members to source deals and investors, says CEO Willie Chang.
Fangfang Chen discusses how she sees banks innovating – and make tokenization become a reality.
Emmanuelle Pecenicic, now head of digital strategy, highlights new business models the firm is exploring.
The noise around Bitcoin hitting US$50,000 obscures foundational work in blockchain finance.
The asset manager teams up with Liquefy and CAIA to vouch for the tokenization of alternative assets.
DBS hopes to use its banking experience to deliver a digital exchange instos will trust.
Underwriting Olam’s bond via blockchain is just the start of a massive shift to tokenization.