Which Asia fintech companies won 2021...and which ones would rather forget this year ever happened?
Co-founder of GoBear to lead on retail banking partnerships.
Next in the digital transformation of Vietnam's FE Credit are ways to chase up new leads.
Despite the entrance of new, big fintech competitors, the startup sees opportunities through diversification.
Banks are creating barriers for fintechs to access data, but they impede open banking at their own risk, fintechs are getting their data anyway.
CompareAsia and GoBear pursue different strategies to make themselves relevant to banks and insurance companies.
We list 25 notable women founders, business heads, technologists and digital experts among fintechs, financial institutions and vendors.
We introduce the first group of the industry's women leaders...along with a proposal that might surprise you.
Hong Kong CEO, GoBear
The insurance company seeks agents’ backing as it builds a strategy for going direct to consumers.