Data-rich reinsurers are working with insurers and insurtech companies to transform actuarial work.
IncomLend, a startup online marketplace for loans to small companies in Asia, is now looking to scale via large corporations and banks.
Southeast Asian P2Ps Capital Match and Funding Societies offer different products, different approaches to risk management, and different VC backers.
DBS digiBank launched in India last spring. How has it fared? What's next? And how is digital banking changing the way financial institutions operate?
A new initiative, openANX, aims to make blockchain and crypto-currency trading more institutionalized.
In Hong Kong, a foreign telco, Superloop, has gotten the jump on rivals by laying fiber to connect data centers more efficiently.
DBS’s COO Mike Power says the all-digital bank in India is transforming the bank’s operations.
A new initiative seeks to help digital currencies shed their dodgy, Wild West origins and become acceptable to institutional investors.
UBS roadtests a RegTech startup, FinChat, to bring the use of messaging apps into compliance.
Senjo Group in Singapore wants to invest in Southeast Asian payment gateways associated with gaming.