The review by Accenture that killed the DLT project details the problems behind ASX’s CHESS replacement.
The CEO of Digital Asset says its smart-contracts language will bridge projects – despite ASX setbacks.
The exchange debuts its blockchain-based platform to help investors keep pace with China’s settlement rules.
The Blockchain Service Network will use DAML to unify smart contracts on chains at home and abroad.
D.A.’s Jon Rout explains the goals behind the partnership with Chinese blockchain community FISCO-BCOS.
The new schedule is meant to placate brokers and issuers in Australia wary of ASX’s blockchain ambitions.
CEO Dominic Stevens highlights there’s more “beyond what the media will report on DLT”.
Henry Chong has built a crypto exchange and vault; will companies in need of capital come?
The first chance to access the exchange’s new build heralds profound changes to come.
It’s good that there isn’t turbulence in the derivatives market. Maybe.