VC Aileen Lee, who invented the term 'unicorn', reviews a decade of growth and predicts a new boom.
Amy Yu, CEO of SEBA Hong Kong, says hedge-fund demand is reviving but won’t return to old patterns.
Building infrastructure that works well is one thing, but can the blockchain industry discover its killer app?
Regulators should require centralized crypto exchanges get out of the businesses of custody and trading.
Hong Fang of OKX has great expectations for centralized crypto exchanges becoming useful to DeFi.
Apoidea's experiment in decentralized coops shows how Web3 business can work.
State Street’s digital-assets arm will complete building its custody solution by the end of the year.
CEO Stephan Lutz says product dev is back to "humble" builds – but there's a grander strategy behind it.
Crypto fintechs are giving tokenization a reboot by putting US debt instruments on blockchain.
Manta Network’s cryptography team, p0x, raises $25 million to expand zero-knowledge proofs to Ethereum.