Miles Paschini, one of the drivers behind an attempt at Bitcoin debit cards, tries a new tack with B21.
The bank partners with Broadridge to put investors’ votes at corporate AGMs onto distributed ledgers.
The insurer is adding more products to its electronic marketplace in anticipation of attracting new types of users.
Prominent robo advisors in the U.S. continue to pursue B2C at scale.
The company is pivoting from millennial wealth to personalized banking.
Lieven Debruyne explains the strategy behind the firm’s stake in Singapore robo WeInvest.
This episode of Vox features Karen on China fintech IPOs and Jame on HSBC's blockchain project in trade finance.
Leading fintech credit platforms in the U.S. are grappling with changing market conditions.
HSBC’s live transaction on “Voltron” shows trade finance is closer to blockchain deployment – but which blockchain?
China’s biggest vendor of trading systems feels pressure from MSCI-driven investors and the rise of homegrown quant and hedge funds.