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DocDoc adds SpesNet to make claims cashless



DocDoc has partnered with SpesNet Global Group to offer cashless and integrated claims processing solutions to insurers across Asia, with the aim to streamline manual insurance claims processes and support risk mitigation for improved customer experience and cost savings. 

With this partnership, DocDoc – which bills itself as a “patient intelligence company” – is set to deliver a complete digital health ecosystem, combining the world’s most robust doctor discovery platform with SpesNet’s industry-leading digital TPA (third-party administrator) technology that is paperless, real-time, data-driven, and has proven to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and improve analytics. 

With a self-reinforcing data loop in place, the DocDoc-SpesNet digital ecosystem will learn from every interaction among policyholders, healthcare providers, and payers, helping insurance companies and the industry at large to better understand medical trends, identify and define risk categorization, develop treatment opportunities for risk populations, as well as improve upon the overall delivery of care and the healthcare value chain. 

Cole Sirucek, CEO and co-founder of DocDoc, said, “Traditionally, claims processes have been highly manual, and SpesNet’s digital TPA technology is ideally suited to helping our customers create paperless, real-time and data driven claims procedures.” 

Under this agreement, DocDoc will receive exclusive access to SpesNet’s platform to include Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, India, and mainland China. 

Sanet Kock, president and CEO of SpesNet Global Group, said, “DocDoc delivers the most robust doctor analytics in the world, making them our ideal partner in Asia.”

DocDoc will integrate SpesNet’s digital TPA technology with DocDoc’s telemedicine platform and A.I.-powered doctor discovery platform, which matches policyholders to relevant healthcare providers. 

Through this integration, DocDoc will be able to offer cashless services, as well as seamless claims processing to payers, including insurance companies, brokers, employers, and bancassurance partners across Asia and beyond. 

SpesNet has a global footprint and together with DocDoc will be serving 6 million active members across more than 90 insurance, government and corporate organizations in North America, Africa, and Asia.

The claims data processed from the digital TPA will help to increase quality data collection, feeding back into DocDoc’s algorithms that are designed to improve policyholders’ healthcare journeys by improving quality of care and reducing costs.

By fully integrating SpesNet’s TPA technology into its platform, DocDoc will be able to power a full knowledge ecosystem and data loop that benefits both insurance partners and policyholders.

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