AI promises more accurate, predictive catastrophe models, but data barriers in Asia remain high.
Arati Varma of QBE Asia says limits in Asia are growing, but the field remains risky for the insurance biz.
The use of AI predictive tools can scale insurance companies’ business, if they can get the right data.
The deal, brokered by Citi, points to the need for broader payment tools to prepare for new business lines.
The insurance industry is targeting rich people, but distribution will require help from insurtech partners.
The VC model has not worked well for a fintech segment that requires patient capital. Can it change?
WollemAI has secured seed funding and is beginning to expand to Singapore through Australian banks.
The bank uses OneDegree's verification tools to build its LLM while the insurtech learns AI risk.
The fast-growing insurtech shows the promise and the challenge of digitally embedded insurance.
The insurer is advancing many B2B2C projects to prove that digital partners are a viable new sales channel.