To mark DigFin's second anniversary, co-founders Jame and Chris take stock of fintech's progress.
The CEO of R3 discusses how the vendor won the contract for SIX Group’s proposed digital asset exchange.
Brian Mehler explains the blockchain company’s mission as it applies – or doesn’t – to financial services.
B.C. Group's Dave Chapman argues why financial services will migrate to blockchain and the outlook for crypto.
SWIFT, SGX and several banks share their vision for automating proxy voting via blockchain.
Hong Kong Exchanges wants others to begin testing its blockchain-based prototype for Stock Connect.
The payments company’s new G.M. for Hong Kong, Maaike Steinebach, outlines the business segments up for grabs.
Where the action is: insto demand, regulation, tech.
Private banks are just beginning to play with robo advisors and artificial-intelligence tools.
She speaks with DigFin about how financial institutions should prepare for digital I.D.s.