Herston Powers, partner at fintech VC 1982 Ventures, argues this is the right time to seed startups in Asia.
Regulators should require centralized crypto exchanges get out of the businesses of custody and trading.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is keen to see the eHKD embedded in retail and wholesale finance.
Arun Kini of Finastra says customer demands make it imperative for banks to embrace tech solutions.
And they want the central bank to mandate data sharing. But you can’t always get what you want.
Hong Fang of OKX has great expectations for centralized crypto exchanges becoming useful to DeFi.
Five newly minted digital banks must balance Bank Negara's goals of inclusion with business realities.
Apoidea's experiment in decentralized coops shows how Web3 business can work.
State Street’s digital-assets arm will complete building its custody solution by the end of the year.
More institutional investors are allocating assets based on indexing, which requires bank-sourced data.